$99.00 USD

Empowered Healing Summit Course


Experience Empowerment THRU Grief!

I created my Empowered Healing Summit for anyone who is navigating life after a loss and desires…

TOOLS to empower them

COMMUNITY to support them, and

HOPE to inspire them!

After watching the 3-module training you will walk away understanding…

❤️How to use movement, mindset and community to support and empower you thru grief.

❤️How to hold duality as you grow and grieve the life that was, while rebuilding a new one.

❤️ How your greatest loss can also be your key to finding meaning and purpose in life moving forward.

Here's an overview of the topics covered:

Module 1: MOVE

We kickoff with a conversation on coping with grief thru movement. We’ll explore how emotional memory and trauma gets stored not just in your brain, but also in your body, and how exercise can be a powerful tool to get “un-stuck” and actually feel your emotions. Ready to get moving? Good! You’ll also have the opportunity to experience firsthand the healing power of
movement with a short gentle yoga-flow and breath-work session lead by moveTHRU Movement Coach Yole Anna Hines.

Module 2: GROW

The next training focuses on post-traumatic growth. We’ll uncover why post-traumatic growth might occur after a loss, how to hold the duality of personal growth & grief, and key mindset shifts to support resilience and personal transformation as you navigate life after loss. I’ll invite you to reflect on your own growth, celebrate it!, and share any struggles or stuck-points to receive custom coaching in a group setting.

Module 3: THRIVE

We will wrap up the training with a conversation on how thriving after a loss is possible! Get ready to dive deep beneath the surface as we explore concepts of identity, SELF, sub-conscious programming, shadow work and meaning making. You’ll learn specific tools that can help you explore your inner world and unearth your truth to find meaning and purpose in life after loss. By now, you might believe me … That thriving is possible!

Learn to take back power when loss leaves you feeling powerless!

Start your journey thru grief for $99!

*At this time, all sales are final. We are unfortunately unable to provide refunds.